"Mindfulness and Meditation allow us to open our hearts, relax our bodies, and clear our minds enough to experience the vast, mysterious, sacred reality of life directly. With Practice we come to know for ourselves that eternity is available in each moment.

Your MMM Courtesy Wake Up Call:
Musings on Life and Practice
by a Longtime Student of Meditation

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ya Think?

“The secret of Buddhism is to remove all ideas, all concepts,
in order for the truth to have a chance to penetrate, to reveal itself.”
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Buddha Mind, Buddha Body: Walking Toward Enlightenment 

Mere philosophy will not satisfy us. We cannot reach the goal by mere words alone.
Without practice, nothing can be achieved.
Swami Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutras

After a couple of weeks in which I encountered some degree of sadness and angst regularly -- on and off the zafu -- the weather shifted dramatically and I have experienced many moments of bliss and wonder amidst the late summer heat and humidity here in Western Massachusetts.  

Obviously the external weather wasn't the primary cause of the shift.  I much prefer cool and crisp.  

Yet, there it was, again and again: a sense of Boundless Amazement permeated my experience.  As I opened to the Gracious Spaciousness of Mindfulness and allowed my thoughts to wander off into stillness, it was obvious to me that you don't have to die to go the Heaven.  This is the Pure Land.  It dances and sings to us, vividly, in the silent contentment of our hearts. 
It was, of course, easy to experience that as I was walking along our country road to the bus the other day. The clouds and sky and hay fields and ridges made the words "white" and "blue" and "golden"and "green"  woefully inadequate.  

As Jesus and Lao Tsu and Walt Whitman and a host of other seers and saints recognized: Mother Nature rocks!  If you can come to your senses beyond the constraint of the thoughts running through your head,  and really pay attention the lilies of the field, or the Valley Spirit, or the leaves of grass, the Presence emerges.  Although I can, at times, wax poetic about such things (e.g. "multicolored dancing", "vividly deep crystalline", "shimmering", "muted softly into grey green by the heavy breath of summer", etc), when push comes to shove it is quite clear.  Words can only hint at, not capture, the majestic and mysterious Essence of Life as it flows through the eternity of such moments. Life, as it is, is nothing short of a Holy Miracle.

Yet,  you don't have to be out there surrounded by the majesty of Mother Nature to sense the inherent Sacredness of Life.  With Practice, is gets clearer that the same Presence flows through each moment and every moment. 

As I'm less inclined to allow the story lines that emerge in my mind to dominate my attention, as I get more in touch with the Boundless Heart of Mindfulness, things get more and more amazing -- even without the supportive splendor of Mother Earth's natural poetry.   Moments later, I felt the Presence as I bounced along on the bus to Greenfield, engaged wholeheartedly in an insightful but lighthearted conversation with some folks from the Recovery Community.  I felt the Presence as I meditated with folks on the Town Commons in the midst of the hustle bustle of Greenfield's downtown intersection with truck engines roaring and fire engine sirens wailing.  (At that point, I engaged in Tonglen Practice, opening my heart to the tumult and pain and fear on the in-breath, radiating aspirations for peace and healing outwards on the outbreath from the Heart of Hearts that we share throughout space and time. )

Although, as you see, I can ramble on about the Presence,  It's beyond words.

It's not that words are "bad" or that thinking is never helpful or useful.  It's an essential part of our humanness.  In fact, many Spiritual traditions, (including some schools of Buddhism) place a high value on rigorous thought, sacred words, scripture, stories and philosophy.  Yet, with Practice we come to see how deeply the thinking mind can distort the world we are experiencing in any one moment.  With Practice, we awaken to a realm of experience beyond the thinking mind, a quality of consciousness that we generally have been programmed to ignore.  With Practice, with our commitment and effort to cultivate the clarity, kindness and compassion that resides in our Heart of Hearts, the world we experience expands to embrace the miraculous that exits in the midst of the ordinary moments of our lives. 

How cool is that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice word flow to try and capture the essence of AWESOME!

Yes, when I am spirit lead to be in consciousness,... it almost take my breath away. The beauty of perfection that is, and.....knowing, feeling, and understanding 'I am' brings tears of joy in appreciation. That's cool!
rowing on!