“In reality there are no separate events. Life moves along like water,
it's all connected to the source of the river is connected to the mouth and the ocean.”
-- Alan Watts, The Essential Alan Watts
it's all connected to the source of the river is connected to the mouth and the ocean.”
-- Alan Watts, The Essential Alan Watts
It’s not impermanence per se, or even knowing we’re going to die, that
is the cause of our suffering, the Buddha taught. Rather, it’s our
to the fundamental uncertainty of our situation.
to the fundamental uncertainty of our situation.
I could do was grin. Eight of us
had gathered at our Mindfulness Circle
to meditate and then explore the second slogan of the Lojong Trainings: "Regard All Dharmas As Dreams".
to meditate and then explore the second slogan of the Lojong Trainings: "Regard All Dharmas As Dreams".
Although all assembled, myself included, were essentially beginners in the study of these Teachings, I imagine the energetic, sincere, often profound, sometimes amusing, discussion that emerged could have been a conversation among senior monks somewhere.
Although a couple of folks, perhaps quite aware of the limitations, perhaps even the inadvisability, of placing our collective attention on words and discursive thought didn't participate, the rest of us jumped right in.
As I understood it, what materialized was no more, no less than a conversation about the true nature of reality and our individual ability to actually experience the truth of our existence. Although none of us is really a Buddhist scholar and some of us may not even consider ourselves Buddhists with a capital B, assertions about Emptiness, Impermanence, Non-Self, Co-dependent Origination, Interdependence and Oneness, were offered and explored, dissected and re-assembled.
In about forty minutes we covered a lot of ground exploring the "groundlessness" of existence.
I loved it.
At several points the fundamentals of Zen were touched on as phrases were turned, then turned on their heads without altering the meaning at all! Even when there was apparent "disagreement" with a presentation or mode of presentation, it still felt like we were all basically on the same page. There was an underlying fabric of good will and good heart all the while. It was an absolute hoot -- relatively speaking.
It made my heart glow.
Getting Real
Gaining a "solid grasp of reality" is often considered to be one of the important aspects of growing up in